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Four Pillars Approach to Consumer Safety Included in House Appropriations Managers Amendment

As a refresher, Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL) offered an amendment intended to decimate the hemp industry during the House Agriculture Committee’s markup of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 (Farm Bill). The Mary Miller amendment, going so far as excluding CBD from the definition of a hemp product and eliminating promising animal feed applications, was included en bloc in the Farm Bill(a legislative procedure used to package unrelated and noncontroversial amendments together for a single voice vote) without any recorded vote or opportunity for input from hemp stakeholders. Despite this legislative tactic, we are grateful for Representatives Jim Baird (R-IN), Zach Nunn (R-IA) and Derrick Van Orden (R-WI) for registering their opposition to the amendment during the hearing.

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Farm Bill Update: Hemp Farmers Enjoy More Support in the 2024 Farm Bill While Threats Loom

Farm Bill Update: Hemp Farmers Enjoy More Support in the 2024 Farm Bill While Threats Loom

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Indiana Legislative Update

Urgent! Please reach out to the members of the Senate Committee on Commerce and Technology today and ask that they empower farmers and protect consumers by voting "yes" on HB 1079. We are hearing this Thursday might be the last meeting of the committee. The good news is the committee chair, Senator Buchanan, has indicated a hearing on the bill. The bad news is, it doesn’t sound like the committee will take a vote on the bill—meaning it will be a hearing only and the senate will ultimately kill the bill for the year. Our state is being flooded by noncompliant and potentially unsafe products, and consumers cannot risk another year of inaction. All at the expense of Indiana small businesses. The status quo is harmful to all stakeholders, including law enforcement.  Email the committee members below and ask that they vote "yes" on HB 1079.

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Indiana House of Representatives Passes SB 20

The Indiana House of Representatives passed SB 20 today with a final vote of 79-19. SB 20 re-legalizes the retail sale of craft hemp flower that meets certain quality control standards and restricts the sale of craft hemp flower to those 21 years and older. SB 20 also restricts the sale of popular low-THC hemp extract products like Delta 8 THC to those 21 years and older. Finally, the bill makes it clear that craft hemp flower and low-THC hemp extracts are not considered adulterants for purposes of Indiana’s food safety. These provisions are designed to increase consumer confidence and consumer protections in hemp products, while ensuring Hoosier farmers and small businesses have access to the entire hemp market like many other states around the country.

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Indiana Legislative Update: SB 20

Hoosiers, we're back with a fighting chance! SB 20 was voted out of the House Committee on Public Policy today 12-1 (the no vote had nothing to do with the hemp provisions in the bill), and will be heard again by the full House of Representatives on Thursday.  Now is the time to directly engage in the legislative process by contacting your representative and asking that they vote "Yes" on SB 20. Not sure who your representative is? Click here to find out.

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Indiana Legislative Update: SB 293 to be Heard on February 14

Midwest Hemp Council met with Senate leadership again this week to continue to work on an amendment to SB 293. If you will recall, SB 293 was first heard in the Senate Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy on January 24 with Midwest Hemp Council, Americans for Prosperity, Farm Bureau and the Indiana Restaurant and Lodging Association all testifying in support of the bill.

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Legislative Update: SB 293

The Senate Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy took testimony on SB 293 yesterday morning. Thank you to all the Hoosiers who reached out to Chairman Holdman and the rest of the committee voicing your support for the bill.

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Legislative Update: SB 293 to be Heard on Tuesday

Hoosiers, this is it! We are excited to share that SB 293 is being heard in the Senate Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy on Tuesday, January 24, at 9:30 a.m. We will share a live link to the committee hearing that morning. 

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Midwest Hemp Council Statement on Final Committee Report

We want to thank Chairman Barrett and the rest of the Interim Study Committee on Public Health, Behavioral Health, and Human Services for providing a platform on September 20 for both supporters and opponents of responsible cannabis reform to present their respective cases. We asked you to engage the committee over the last month to ask for a favorable cannabis recommendations such as:

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Thank You for Supporting Grow Indiana Together PAC!

On Friday, the Grow Indiana Together PAC (GITPAC) held its first fundraiser, and it was a complete success. GITPAC is Indiana’s first and only political action committee that focuses solely on supporting candidates and incumbents championing responsible cannabis reform. We will share future updates about GITPAC in the near future.

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From MHC President Justin Swanson: The End of Cannabis Prohibition in Indiana?

The Indiana General Assembly concluded its business for the 2022 legislative session on March 8, 2022. Legislators on both sides of the aisle introduced a record number of fourteen (14) cannabis-related bills. These proposals ranged from providing regulated medical and/or adult use marijuana markets to Hoosiers, to legalizing hemp grain as a commercial animal feed, to re-legalizing the production and manufacturing of craft hemp flower and narrowing the definition of low THC hemp extract. Despite the objectively increasing interest in cannabis reform policies from Indiana lawmakers, there were no cannabis-related bills that made it all the way through the legislative process and into state law. However, evidence continues to point to a growing momentum for common sense cannabis reform in Indiana for a few reasons:

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Indiana General Assembly to Study Cannabis Topics

The Legislative Council met today and assigned the topic of Delta 8, Delta 9 and other THC products to the Interim Study Committee on Public Health, Behavioral Health and Human Services. We are excited to see the Indiana General Assembly’s continued interest in reforming our cannabis laws. We look forward to the opportunity to highlight the benefits of providing broad access to cannabis products carefully balanced with consumer protection policies. Stay tuned for more information!

Indiana Statehouse Update: February 28, 2022

The Indiana legislative session is coming to a close, with deadlines looming and conference committees being scheduled. While the official end date is March 14, we anticipate the legislature to finish their business before this date. We wanted to provide you with this timely and accurate update regarding SB 209 and HB 1043. 

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Celebrating FFA Week!

FFA Week is Feb. 19-26, 2022! Each year, FFA chapters around the country celebrate National FFA Week. It’s a time to share what FFA is and the impact it has on members every day. We're sharing the stories of two FFA members who worked on projects involving hemp!

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Thank you, Chairwoman McNamara and Committee on Courts and Criminal Code

We want to thank Chairwoman McNamara and the rest of the House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code for standing up for farmers, small business owners and consumers in Indiana. An amendment was adopted this morning that deletes the offensive language narrowing the definition of low THC hemp extract and requests a summer study committee to review the issue further.

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SB 209 to be Heard on Wednesday

SB 209 is a disaster bill for the hemp industry and Indiana small businesses, which would set a horrible precedent for states around the country.  It will be heard in the House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code on Wednesday, February 16.

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Indiana Legislative Update - February 8, 2022

We are now in our first week of the second half of session and coming down to crunch time for HB 1043 and SB 209.

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Midwest Hemp Council's Indiana Legislative Session Halftime Report

TL;DR: HB 1043 helps stabilize the hemp industry and ensure consumers have access to safe craft hemp flower products. Contact the Senate Committee on Commerce and Technology and ask that they support HB 1043. SB 209 contains language that is a direct attack on small businesses across the state. Contact the House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code and ask that they remove the low THC hemp extract language from the bill.

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Indiana Legislative Update

We have seen a record number of bills filed this year that impact the cannabis market in Indiana. It is more important than ever to stay informed on the latest happenings so that you can continue to educate lawmakers on the impact of these bills. So, where do the bills that impact Midwest Hemp Council members stand?

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House Committee on Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development to Hear HB 1043

We are in the second week of the Indiana General Assembly’s legislative session and we need your help! HB 1043 has been assigned to the House Committee on Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development and the committee will hear the bill tomorrow, Wednesday, January 19, at 1:30 p.m.! Those of you who have reached out to members of the committee - thank you! But we still need your help to get the bill out of committee.  If you are a Hoosier consumer, farmer, retailer or other small business owner, please reach out to committee members to educate them on how this bill will benefit you.

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